Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Is roach bait an effective method of pest control?

Roaches are one of the most universally reviled insects, and one of the most troublesome of household pests in West Palm Beach, FL. They are associated with having bad odor, contaminating food and dishes, ruining paper products, leaving nasty stains on surfaces, and they are notorious carriers of about 32 types of bacteria that can cause diseases in humans. Much of the public disgust with these verminous critters stems from the fact that their sources of nourishment often come from rotting foods and feces found in places like garbage cans, sewers, and animal cages. No homeowner should tolerate an infestation of roaches, but what is the most effective method of pest control for ridding your home of them?

Roach baits

pest control, roach control west palm beachThe use of roach baits has increased greatly in recent years because they do have some advantages over pesticides and sprays formerly used. Since baits are not sprayed on to a surface, they leave no residue on exposed surfaces anywhere in the home, and it is therefore unnecessary to cover up dishes, furniture, and other household objects. 
The down side of using baits is that in order to be effective, the baits must be placed in precisely the area where there is an infestation of them, so the bait can be consumed and poison them. In addition, there are some species of roaches that are not attracted to baits, so this method of pest control won't work at all on them. Most female roaches carrying sacks of eggs are not attracted to baits either, which means that they will lay their eggs and produce many more vermin despite the presence of the bait. Large infestations of roaches can be quite costly to manage with the use of baits as well.

The most effective method for pest control in West Palm Beach

The only way to be sure of ridding a home of roaches is to engage the services of pest control experts in West Palm Beach. They will be able to identify which species of roach is troubling your home, and which approach will be the most effective one for their elimination. If using a roach bait turns out to be the best solution, an expert will know exactly where to place it to knock out the whole population.