Monday, June 22, 2015

5 Tips for a Healthy Lawn in West Palm Beach, FL

If you're like most people, you've wished for your home to have a beautiful, lush lawn. Maybe you've even looked at a neighbor's yard with a little envy, wondering how they manage to keep it looking so lovely year-round.  The good news is that with some time, attention, and knowledge, you can have a gorgeous lawn, too!

Ambassador Pest Management Lawn ServicesChoose a grass that will thrive in our climate

Picking a grass that is native to the area, or one that has been cultivated to perform well in local conditions, is essential to getting good results. One of the most common types in Florida is St. Augustine grass, as it is very adaptable to different soils. It's dense, with a blue-green hue, has a good shade tolerance and establishes itself quickly. You should also be aware that it doesn't stand up well to heavy traffic, and it does experience browning during its dormant winter months. Zoysia grass is also popular, as it tolerates variations in light, moisture, temperature and light well. Zoysia is good at repelling weeds and withstands traffic, but also has a dormant period during cool, dry weather.

Beware heavily compacted soil

For grass to grow and flourish, it needs to breathe. When your lawn becomes heavily compacted by excessive foot traffic, vehicles or other sources, there will not be sufficient air circulation for it to thrive. Another problem that can occur from compacted soil is a reduced ability for water to drain away. This can produce an environment conducive for disease, rot, certain insects and weeds that flourish in turf that is very tight.

Avoid overusing harsh chemicals

Herbicides and other chemical treatments can be very beneficial in keeping your lawn weed- and disease-free, but they may not have to be your first go-to solution. Keeping a close eye on what's popping up in your lawn, you may be able to catch weeds at their first appearance, and have a chance to hand pull them before they spread. Careful removal by hand can also reduce the chance of the seeds of the offending weeds being spread with the lawnmower or weed whip.

Pay attention to your yard's other features

If you have flowerbeds, paver pathways or other landscaping features, you may be drawing damaging insects or unwanted weeds into your yard. Consider investing in a few safeguards against these problems. Install synthetic mats containing herbicide under floral beds. Lay a generous amount of mulch down to prevent the germination of weeds by blocking any light from your soil.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Ask anyone who has dealt with a lawn that has been damaged by pests or weeds, and they'll likely tell you how they wished they'd paid closer attention to what was happening in their yard. Coming back from lawn problems is much more difficult, expensive and time-consuming than taking precautions to prevent them from ever taking hold. Proper fertilization and irrigation will give you a great head start.

To ensure your best chance at success, employ an expert to help you achieve your goals. Ambassador Pest Management in West Palm Beach, FL has been family-owned and operated for over 25 years, helping home and business owners just like you keep their landscaping beautiful and their property pest-free. Call us today at 866-632-0088  for your risk-free, no obligation consultation! 

Monday, June 8, 2015

When Should You Call a Termite Exterminator in West Palm Beach, FL?

falling down termite houseAn unfortunate truth about living in South Florida is that termites will present a threat to your home at some point or another. Another sad truth is that most people will not even know when they have a termite problem. It's an excellent idea to make the time to inspect your home on a regular basis for any of the signs that you may need to call a termite exterminator.
Here are three things to look for that may indicate you're having a problem:

Mud Shelter Tubes

Although they can be difficult to see, blending in to the surrounding concrete or soil, mud tubes on your foundation or crawl space piers are a good indicator of a termite infestation.  Check carefully along slabs and foundation walls, paying special attention to the area where the soil meets the home, the corners, and in any cracks that may exist. You can use a sharp tool such as a screwdriver to chip these mud tubes open to look for any signs of live termites.


One of the first signs a homeowner may have of an infestation is swarms of termites near lights or on windowsills, or evidence of wings in spider webs or cobwebs. If you find signs of them indoors, this is generally a pretty reliable indicator that you have a problem. Swarms of termites outside may also indicate that a structure nearby is suffering an infestation. It's important to know the difference between termites and winged ants, as they can commonly be mistaken for the other.

Wood Damage

This is a sign that may not be discovered right away, but it is a reliable one of a current problem or of one in the past.  Anywhere that soil, mulch or landscaping is coming into direct contact with wood, there is a risk of termite infestation. Using a hammer or screwdriver, tap at the wood in question and listen for a dull, hollow sound. Areas where moisture comes into contact with wood can be the cause of decay, and should be carefully examined.

If you are seeing any of the above signs, it's time to call a professional pest control company. Engaging an experienced termite exterminator as quickly as possible is key to saving you time, money and heartache. Don't try to deal with a termite infestation on your own. Call Ambassador Pest Management today for a free, no obligation inspection and service estimate. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed!