Monday, July 6, 2015

Bed Bugs FAQ

good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs biteBy now it probably comes as no surprise that bed bugs have made a big comeback in recent years. It seems like when we turn on the news, stories of bed bug infestations are being reported in hospitals, libraries, hotels and even theaters. You may have wondered about these persistent pests when you've seen them mentioned. What follows are some of the most frequent questions we get about them.

I hear it is very difficult to get rid of bed bugs. Why?

These tiny, hidden hitchhikers are very hardy pests. They are capable of living for months without food. Bed bugs are able to live in a wide range of temperature extremes, from near freezing all the way up to 122°. And despite their name, they make their homes in more areas than just beds. To be able to get rid of them, you need find them all. The best way to ensure your entire home is free of these pests, professional pest control is highly recommended.

How can homeowners protect against bed bug infestations?

It is possible to keep your home bed bug free, but it will require vigilance and attention. If you travel for business or pleasure, make sure you carefully inspect your clothing and luggage immediately upon your return. Be careful about bringing any second-hand furniture into your home. Look for any signs of bugs or signs of their waste. If you suspect that you have an infestation, don't hesitate to contact a pest control company. Getting rid of bed bugs is definitely not a DIY project.

Why are bedbugs an issue for hotels, visitors, and homeowners?

First, you should know that having bed bugs isn't an indication of filth or issues with sanitation. Even the most meticulously kept spaces can find themselves with a problem. Bed bugs travel by hitching rides, and once they've invaded an area, they spread very rapidly in a variety of ways. Vacuum cleaners, suitcases, purses, pipes and clothing are all possible vehicles. If guests in a hotel room discover bed bugs and request to be moved to another room, it's just another way for the bugs to expand their territory.

If they're not just in beds, where else can bed bugs be found?

They actually are able to live just about anywhere. Sofas, chairs, cushions, upholstered furniture, baseboards, behind electrical outlets, you name it.

How can bedbugs be controlled?

An infestation requires professional pest control intervention to be adequately managed. A trained technician can carefully assess the extent of the problem and work with you in the development of a treatment plan and strategies for controlling bed bugs tailored to your situation. Don't try to tackle this problem on your own.

Can bedbugs cause illness?

Although bed bugs aren't known as disease carriers, their bites are very itchy and uncomfortable, and scratching at those welts can cause infection.

If you think your home has been invaded by bed bugs, don't delay - call Ambassador Pest Management today! Contact us for a free, no-obligation inspection. With over 25 years experience treating homes and businesses in West Palm Beach, we guarantee your satisfaction 100%!  866-632-0088