Thursday, November 19, 2015

Termite or Flying Ant? Can You Tell Them Apart?

If there’s one thing every homeowner dreads finding in or around their residence, it’s termites. Or is it a flying ant? Not sure which is which? You’re certainly not alone.

Both termites and carpenter ants fall under the terminology of “swarmer” by pest control professionals. Their primary purpose is the propagation of their colonies, and as such, most are females determined to mate and reproduce as quickly as possible.

Most laypeople will have difficulty telling the difference between the two types because of their very similar appearance.  When you’re just seeing black insects with wings, it’s important to distinguish what type of swarmer you’re dealing with, because the treatment for them can be very different. Here are a few ways to see which features will help you determine which is which.

Check out their antennae
One sign that you’re dealing with carpenter ants is if you their antennae have a bent appearance. If the insect you’ve got has straight antennae and are shorter in length, you’re very likely looking at the dreaded termites.

Body structure
Generally speaking, insects of all stripes have three different body sections – head, thorax, and abdomen. Keep in mind that these sections are not always apparent to the naked eye. In the case of termites, the body doesn’t appear to have separate regions and seem to have a uniform width. There is no mistaking the distinctive three sections of the carpenter ant.

Length of wings
Swarmers of both types each sport two pairs of wings (for a total of four wings altogether), one pair in the front and the other in the back. The back wings of carpenter ants are quite noticeably shorter than the front wings. Their wings also have a brownish color. If you’re seeing no discernible difference in length and the color is more of a translucent white, you’ve probably got a termite.

Whether the swarmers you’re seeing in your house are termites or ants, you may have a serious problem. You can be sure that their nest isn’t very far away. Don’t wait to contact a pest control professional. Swarmers of any kind are very difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate with DIY products.

Still not exactly sure if you’re seeing termites or carpenter ants in your West Palm Beach home? Contact the highly experienced professionals at Ambassador Pest Management. One of our friendly technicians will come out and conduct a free, no-obligation inspection and estimate. With over 25 years serving our area, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call today!  866-632-0088