Thursday, December 17, 2015

5 Natural Ways to Fend Off Florida’s Summer Pests

Florida summers may be hot and humid, but at least there are lots of bugs! Even if you don’t mind the first two things, you’re probably not a fan of the third. Unfortunately, insects and other pests are part of the tradeoff for living in a tropical paradise.  There are a few natural pest control tricks you can use that can help make your home a little more pleasant and bug-free without endangering the health of your family or pets!

Catch more flies with vinegarEveryone has probably heard that old saying “you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” but that may not be the case! Try filling a container with cider vinegar, and then cover the top with saran wrap. Secure it with string, tape or a rubber band, poke some holes in it, and then wait for nature to take its course. Fruit flies will be there shortly!

Get rid of the moth, manSome houseguests you definitely don’t want this summer are moths. Moths would love nothing more than to have a party in your pantry! They’ll turn your dry goods into a buffet and reproduce at an alarming rate! If you see any pods or larvae on your shelves or food packaging, discard what they’ve ruined, wipe your shelves clean and then place dry bay leaves in your cupboard. To avoid having them feast on your winter wools, store clean items with lavender sachets or cedar blocks to discourage moths from munching.

Garlic – it’s not just for repelling vampires anymore!When bugs are looking to suck the lifeblood out of your garden plants, try a little vampire repellent in the form of this garlic elixir! Pour boiling water over garlic cloves that you’ve peeled, smashed and placed in a mason jar. Let your aromatic brew develop overnight before straining it and placing the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray on the affected plants and watch the bugs beat a hasty retreat.

Try some homemade bug sprayAs long as you’re in the kitchen whipping up some pest control concoctions, try your hand at making your own non-toxic bug spray that can be used by the whole family. Nearly fill an 8-oz spray bottle with equal amounts of witch hazel and distilled water. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 25 to 30 drops of the essential oil of your choice (lavender, citronella and eucalyptus work great).  Shake well and spray on.

Don’t get ticked off by ticksDress for success! If you’re going to be doing some gardening, keep your skin covered as well as you can, tucking your pant legs into your socks and securing your gloves over your sleeves with tape. Wearing light colors will make ticks more obvious during a spot check after you’re done with your chores. You might also want to consider one more kitchen project, combining two parts water with one part tea tree oil in a spray bottle to use as a repellent.

While these are all great tips, there are some pest control problems that will put you in need of some expert help. That’s where Ambassador Pest Management can help salvage your summer. Whether you’re dealing with cockroaches, termites, bed bugs or even nuisance wildlife, we’ve got you covered. With over 25 years experience and our 100% satisfaction guarantee, your pest problem won’t have you bugged this season!  866-632-0088