Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pest Control for the Health of Your Family and South Florida Business

Pests come in all shapes and sizes and can often be dangerous. Your family’s health is at risk if there is any chance of pests in your home or even on your lawn. They are so easy to bring in that they are often unnoticeable. You’re not the only one fighting this war on insects, as a matter of fact, there are over 600,000 insects in an average home without pest control.

South Florida pest control
South Florida is particularly susceptible to insects and wild animals due to the climate and constant short-lasting rain showers. We love opening the windows and doors to take in the cool breeze in the fall and are often outside all day in the summer. Don’t let pests take control of your home, we can help.

Luckily we specialize in the control and containment of the following pests types: ants, Argentine ant, carpenter ant, fire ant, odorous house ant, pavement ant, pharaoh ant, thief ant, bed, bug, bees, cockroaches, brown-banded cockroach, German cockroach, oriental cockroach, carpet beetles, fur beetle, varied carpet, beetle, centipede, fire-brats, flea, flies, blue bottle fly, green bottle fly, house fly, fruit flies, hornet, house centipede, lice, meal worm beetle, red spiders, silverfish, spider beetle, woodlouse, termite, damp wood termite, subterranean termite, wasp, woolly bear, woodworms, death watch beetle, furniture beetle, weevil, rodents, mice, rats, chipmunks, gophers, beavers, shrew, moles, opossums, raccoon’s, hedgehogs, lizards, and snakes.

Free on-site inspection and estimate
Our certified inspectors come to your home and business for your free estimate. They find out where these pests are coming from, show you how they’re going to get rid of them and teach you how to maintain your home so pests will stay gone for good!

We have our friendly staff standing by to answer you questions and get you servicing started immediately. Call today to find out more! 866-632-0088

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Do Pest Control Home Remedies Work?

Whether you've found a do-it-yourself pest control trick from a website or it was handed down through the generations, can you be sure there's any truth to it before investing the time in it? Some of the tips you've gotten may work like a charm, while others are comically wrong or even downright dangerous! Let's take a closer look at some of the old wives' tales of DIY pest control to see if they contain more fact or fiction.

Can bay leaves keep pests at bay?
Yes! Keeping your kitchen staples bug-free can benefit from having a bay leaf or two stored either in or near items like rice and flour in your pantry. If you'd rather not have the leaves in direct contact with your food, simply having them attached to the outside of the container can be enough to act as a deterrent. Keep in mind that one of the best things you can do to keep pests away is to make sure they have no reason to hang around. Clean up spills immediately and keep food in airtight packaging.

Does the mouse in my kitchen like cheese as much as they do in cartoons? 
 Nope, not nearly as much. Thanks to Speedy Gonzales and Tom & Jerry, many of us spent our childhoods believing that cheese in a mousetrap was the most effective lure for mice. Would you be surprised to learn that peanut butter is by far the preferred choice for rodents? That's a good thing to know whether you're baiting traps or just wanting to treat your pet mouse.

Can you catch more fruit flies with sugar than you can with vinegar? 
 Sort of.  The sugar that attracts fruit flies is the kind featured in rotting fruit. If you're looking to get rid of a fruit fly problem in your kitchen, start with getting rid of the old fruit or storing your fruit in the fridge. The next part is where the vinegar comes in: fill a cup with vinegar, cover it in plastic wrap and puncture the wrap to put a hole in it. Fruit flies hate the smell and will no longer make your kitchen their gathering place.

Will spraying peppermint oil sprayed on spider webs send the spiders packing? 
Maybe, but not in the way you'd hoped. Any liquids other than water sprayed on a spider's web will likely make them move out, but they probably won't go far. They'll get to work spinning themselves a new home nearby, which will leave you with more available housing options for other spiders. 

Remember that some pest control issues are best left to the professionals. When you're dealing with a termite, bed bug or cockroach infestation, time spent on trying old wives' tales will likely be time (and money) wasted!  Ambassador Pest Management has over 25 years experience in serving residential and business customers in West Palm Beach, Stuart and Jupiter, Florida. Call today for a free, no obligation inspection from one of our pest control professionals. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!