Thursday, June 23, 2016

Termites are the silent home killer

If left untreated, termites will silently destroy the wood structure of your home, causing expensive, hard-to-repair damage. Estimates put property damage caused by these destructive insects at over five billion dollars annually. We don’t want you to be part of those statistics! Early identification and treatment of an infestation will save you valuable time and money.

Signs of a termite infestation
Here are a few signs of a potential termite problem that you’ll want to be on the lookout for:
  • Piles of discarded wings near doors or windows.
  • Mud tubes about the diameter of pencil on your exterior walls or on the ground heading toward your home
  • Paint that appears blistered or splintered
  • Soft wood in the home that has a hollow sound when tapped
  • Painting on the walls of your home that is starting to appear splintered or blistered
If you see any of these signs, now is the time to contact Ambassador Pest for a free inspection. The sooner you act, the less damage termites will have a chance to inflict.

Tips for avoiding a termite infestation
The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure couldn’t be more true than it is in the case of termites. If you’re not dealing with an infestation, great! Keep it that way with these tips:
  • Keep your gutter and down-spouts clean to protect your home’s foundation
  • Keep untreated wood piles as far from your house as possible
  • Make sure that your plants, ground covers and debris at least three to four feet away your home’s foundation
  • Never allow untreated wood to directly have contact on soil or concrete
  • Routinely examine splits or cracks in concrete slabs, especially in spring and late summer
  • Inspect your home during early spring and late summer
If you have any questions of would like to schedule a free home inspection, call Ambassador Pest Management today at 866-632-0088. With over 25 years serving the Palm Beaches and Martin county and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, our certified technicians will help keep you and your home safe from termites and other pests.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cockroaches 101

There are two things that every Florida resident can count on in the summer - hot, sticky weather and the potential for unwanted houseguests of the insect kind. Although we love the beautiful Stuart, Florida weather and surroundings, no one is crazy about the idea of bugs in their home. One very common problem many folks have to deal with at one point or another is cockroaches. Read on for some basic information about these pests and what you can do lessen their impact on your life.

Establish where the infestation problem areas are 
Make a close inspection of the cockroach's favorite places to hide. The kitchen is number one on their list. Check carefully in the area under the sink, around your appliances (dishwasher, fridge, stove, microwave). Then take a good look at your pantry and cupboards. Look for any evidence that they've been there - live or dead roaches, any feces or traces of eggs or egg sacs.

Also make certain you inspect your bathrooms very closely. Again, the areas under the sink or sinks are a likely place to find them, as well as cabinets, the shower and around the bathtub. If you have a crawlspace, check there as well. They love damp places, so these areas are natural stomping grounds for cockroaches.

Identify what type of cockroaches you're dealing with 
Consider buying some glue traps from your local home improvement store that you can set around areas that seem to be getting a lot of activity. One way to find out where they run to and hide is to plan a "surprise attack" at night - sneak into your bathroom or kitchen and turn on the lights. If any of them are around, they'll scurry away quickly. Place your traps in the areas where they headed. 

There are different methods for exterminating the unique types of roaches out there. Once one of them has taken the bait, you'll be able to show your pest control professional the type of cockroaches that have taken up residence.  This will help them know the most efficient and effective way to treat your problem.

Prevent your cockroaches from making a return visit 
Cockroaches need the same things we do to survive: water, food and shelter. You'll want to make your home as unwelcoming and unfit as possibly can for them to thrive.  Be certain that you're not providing them with access to your food; keep items in your pantry sealed in airtight containers, don't leave leftovers or dinner scraps out in the open. Keep cardboard boxes up off the floor. It's a good idea to have a garbage can with a tight-fitting lid. Keep your food prep areas clean and wiped down at all times, paying close attention to areas between appliances and your counters.

Vacuum often. Be certain you're getting areas of high activity or places where they've been known to set up shop.  This includes cupboards, cabinets, draperies, furniture, carpet and rugs and sink areas. Keeping these areas free from roach eggs and food crumbs is essential.

Keep your plumbing in good working order. Fix leaky taps and replace bad or cracked molding. Give your roaches fewer places to have accessible water. Don't leave standing water in sinks or tubs - it's a good idea to wipe them dry before calling it a night.

Following these tips will go a long way to help you ensure your home's only inhabitants are you, your pets or invited guests. If you're dealing with a cockroach problem or any other type of pest infestation in Martin County, give the experienced pest control professionals at Ambassador Pest Management a call at 772-229-0040. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!