Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to Prevent Termites in Your West Palm Beach Home

Apart from worrying about your South Florida home in terms of financials, your mortgage payments and how it looks, it is equally as important to focus on preventing the spread of pest, particularly termites in your West Palm beach home.
Termites are unfortunately a very common sight in homes across South Florida, and they cause immense damage and property loss. In fact, it’s believed that termites account for more monetary losses than fire and floods throughout the USA.
Termites West Palm Beach Prevention Tips
Getting Rid of Excess Water
-One of the most effective prevention measures you can take to keeping the termites at bay is to seal your home off from any excess water.
-Termites thrive in damp environments, much like other insects and pests. Hopefully, you are already keen to prevent water damage and water leakage within your home, so this shouldn’t be an issue.
-Some tips for keeping excess water at bay include keeping rain water away from the foundations of your home.
-Clean your drain pipes and gutters regularly and make sure that they are facing downwards – not towards your home.
-Additionally, keep sprinklers pointed away from your home when not in use and strive to protect any water leaks as quickly as possible.
Termite Control in West Palm Beach: Getting Rid of the Wood
-Unfortunately, it’s impossible for you to replace the wood that has built your home. But, discarding excess wood from inside and outside of your home can help to prevent termite infestations.
-By taking out dead wood, you eliminate the chance having terminates in your home. You remove the thing they thrive and depend upon, and will usually stay well clear and move to a more suitable environment.
-Always strive to get rid of wood debris as quickly as possible and ensure that firewood is stored as far away from your home as possible.
To get quality Termites West Palm Beach control, trust only Ambassador Pest.  With over 25 years of experience, you will be in good hands!  Visit their website today to schedule a free inspection at www.AmbassadorPest.com.

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