Monday, April 13, 2015

Mosquito Bite Control Tips in West Palm Beach

Nothing can ruin enjoying a beautiful sunset here in West Palm Beach faster than an uninvited swarm of mosquitoes buzzing around you. That annoying hum and the painful, itchy bites will quickly drive you back indoors. This is a pest control problem that is very familiar to those of us in Southeast Florida.

You can try some of these tips to help you reclaim your yard and your cherished time outdoors.

Controlling mosquito bites in West Palm Beach

The prevention of mosquito bites is not without its challenges, but here are a few things that may help you to keep them at bay.
  • Although they're ready for a meal anytime, the favorite feasting time for mosquitoes is dawn and dusk. Try to limit the length of time you're outdoors at these two times of the day, especially if you're in areas that are wooded.
  • The use of repellants can be quite effective. Look for products containing DEET, eucalyptus oil, Picaridin and/or IR3535. The CDC lists these as their recommendations.
  • Avoid wearing dark colored clothing. It also helps to keep as much skin covered as possible, so long pants and long sleeves are advisable.
  • Mosquitoes are drawn to strongly scented body lotions and perfumes.
  • It may seem like a no-brainer, but keeping your doors and windows closed will limit their access to your home and car. 
  • If you haven't already, screen your porch or patio. This will allow you to enjoy some fresh air but keep you bite-free. If your home already has a screened porch, make sure you keep your screens in great repair, patching any tears to prevent giving mosquitoes access to your refuge.

Although all these ideas can help prevent a multitude of bites (and possibly sleepless nights up scratching, swatting, tossing and turning), they can't completely eliminate the problem. That's where Ambassador Pest comes in.

Professional mosquito control solutions in West Palm Beach

Ambassador Pest will be happy to visit your home or business and check your property for the presence of mosquitoes and other pests to get an idea of the population size and scope of your problem. Our professional technicians will provide this on-site inspection absolutely free, and give you a service estimate.
Our family-owned and operated business has been around for over 25 years, and we take guarantee your 100% satisfaction.  Contact us today, and start enjoying the great outdoors again!

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