Monday, May 25, 2015

Summer Pest Control in West Palm Beach, FL

Summers in West Palm Beach, FL are hot, sunny, and notoriously buggy. Although we all want to get out and enjoy the weather and all that South Florida has to offer, bugs always seem determined to take a bite out of our fun.
Pest control experts see them all. Here are a few of the worst offenders of the summertime killjoys.


There are many different types of ants we have to deal with in Florida, and none of them are any fun. They invade our homes and picnics in search of food. While some may bring mostly annoyance, others, like fire ants, bring pain!


Aside from the buzzing around your bedroom keeping you up at night, houseflies can also bring disease: typhoid, tuberculosis and dysentery, just to name a few. Unsightly fly strips and constant swatting can really take some of the wind out of your summer sails.


Some of spiders are harmless, and can even be considered beneficial, making a meal of other household pests. Others (like widows or recluses) can be poisonous, and if you or your loved ones are allergic, even downright dangerous. No matter which type you can encounter, many people will agree they can be unwelcome.

Bed Bugs

One of the worst pest control problems out there, bed bugs are more active in the summer. They may have hitched a ride home in your suitcase after your last vacation or business trip or made their way in on that sofa you got on Craigslist. Once they're in, they're notoriously difficult to send packing. Bed bugs see you as their meal tickets, leaving their bite marks as painful evidence.

Wasps, Hornets and Yellow Jackets

Most of us have encountered one of these stinging pests, and if you've been stung, you're certainly anxious to avoid having it happen again. Although they generally sting as a self-defense mechanism, you can't be sure if you've inadvertently threatened one. People with allergies also fear the wrath of these pests, and for good reason. If you have allergies to them, carrying an epi-pen when you're enjoying the Florida outdoors in the summer is a good idea.

When the bugs mentioned above are around in small numbers, they're easier to take. If, however, you find yourself dealing with a population in or around your home that is growing unmanageable, it's time to call a pest control professional. Contact Ambassador Pest Management to come out and do a full inspection at no charge. We can assess your problem and give you a service estimate to get your problem back under control. Remember, we guarantee your satisfaction 100%!

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