Thursday, January 7, 2016

Top Three Pests for West Palm Beach, Florida in January

Come January, residents of West Palm Beach enjoy getting a little break from oppressive heat and humidity of the summer. This change of season doesn’t come without its own set of pest control problems, however. Here are three pests that may want to bunk in with you for the winter.

Oriental roaches
Cockroaches are well known for their “ick factor” among Floridians.  They love inhabiting drainage areas, sewers, and other moist, dark places most of us want to avoid.  Unfortunately, these creatures will bring the filth and waste from these areas right into your home via your plumbing, cracks under doorways and poorly sealed openings.

With its dark brown to black coloring coloring, the Oriental roach is a water bug that sports wings, although they do not generally fly. Living on food scraps, garbage and other refuse, they’ll set up shop in damp places in your home like under your kitchen sink or in bathrooms, and in places with an abundant food source, like under your fridge or stove.  Although these pests don’t bite, they do carry a risk of introducing bacteria and disease into your home.

House crickets
There’s no mistaking it when you’ve got a house cricket in your home. The male crickets herald their presence with loud chirping as they seek to get the attention of females, and they’ll no doubt get your attention as well! Other than making an annoying noise that won’t seem to stop, they’re also know to make a meal of the fabrics in your home: synthetic fibers, wool, cotton, silk, you name it, they’ll eat it. They might also help themselves to some of your baked goods.

Around an inch long, these little noisemakers have a light brown color with dark stripes on their head. in appearance and have a few solid dark stripes on their head.

Wolf spiders
With their scary name and appearance, the wolf spider is probably a houseguest you’d rather avoid. They’ll do their best to get in through your garage, poorly sealed doorways or windows to keep warm and do some hunting out of the cold. Although they’re incredibly fast and aggressive toward their prey, they’re looking for bugs, not humans, so you won’t have much to fear from them. In fact, if you approach them, their instinct is to run, although they have been known to inject venom when they are provoked.

These creature can grow to over an inch long, are hairy and usually have brown, gray and black coloring. Their bodies comprise two segments with eight legs total, and have mouthparts that (no surprise) have a fanglike appearance.

Get professional winter pest control
West Palm Beach residents often have guests during our gorgeous Florida winters, but you don’t have to put up with pests! Ambassador Pest Management has been offering expert pest control for 25 years, and offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call us today for a free inspection and estimate from one of our highly trained and skilled technicians! 866-632-0088

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