Thursday, May 26, 2016

The importance of pest control in your Stuart, FL home

No homeowner really wants to surrender to pests in the house, but a lot of homeowners in Stuart, FL are in a mild stage of denial about having a pest control problem in their homes. This is somewhat understandable, because once you admit you really do have a pest problem, it means you are obliged to do something about it. Here are some reasons that pest problems should not be overlooked, and should instead be addressed at the earliest opportunity.

Foods can become contaminated
Rats and mice can chew through practically anything, including cereal boxes and bags of flour or sugar. They will come in contact with all content inside, and may even leave feces and urine behind. Cockroaches pick up bacteria from sewage and debris they crawl through, then transfer it to foods they find in the home.

Pests can cause structural damage to the home
Termites can cause unbelievable damage to the structure of a house, once they become entrenched. Posts, floor supports, ceiling supports, drywall, and more are all fair game to these ravenous vermin, and by the time you see the problem it has already become a major one. Only a professional will be able to eliminate the whole population of termites.

Pests carry and spread disease
Common houseflies are capable of carrying more than 100 pathogens like typhoid, tuberculosis, and polio, which can infect humans and animals and cause serious health issues. Ticks are also disease carriers, and are known to pass on typhus, Lyme disease, and encephalitis to household residents. Cockroaches can cause rashes in humans simply by crawling over the skin, but the 33 different kinds of bacteria carried by cockroaches can also cause allergic reactions and trigger asthma episodes in younger children.

Best course of action
This is only a partial listing of the catalog of diseases, health problems, and home damage that pests in the home can cause, and it’s easy to see that the most prudent course of action when home pests are suspected, is to immediately consult with a pest control professional. A home visit by Ambassador Pest Management in Stuart will identify which kinds of pests are involved, and that will indicate what the course of action should be to make your home pest-free.

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