Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ant Control in Stuart, FL

Controlling an ant problem in your home can be one of the most frustrating pest control projects you ever undertake in your Stuart, FL home. You might think you have the problem licked by spraying all the entrances, cracks, and windows, and maybe for a time they do disappear – and then they come back again.
One of the reasons for this is that some ant species will have both parent colonies and satellite colonies in the vicinity of the home. Parent colonies are often located outside the home, in a pile of rotting wood or in some other clump of wood that’s soaked and soft, while the satellite colonies are more likely to be inside, wherever moist, damaged wood can be found. Do-it-yourself methods will sometimes kill off most of a satellite colony, but leave the other dozen colonies undisturbed.

Identifying an ant infestation

The first step toward eliminating any ant problem is to identify which kind of ant you’re dealing with, and that will indicate what kind of pest control methods should be used. Here are some of the most common types of ants:

Carpenter ants. There are about 25 different species of carpenter ants found in homes, and 6 of them are capable of doing major structural damage. Many of these species have the parent-satellite pattern of home infestation described above, and can only be truly eliminated if all colonies are found and wiped out.

Fire ants. These kinds of ants are found mostly in the eastern U.S., from the New England states to Florida, and can vary from being minor pests in the yard, to very aggressive pests that invade the home. They can be very difficult to eliminate because even after eradication, they can still come from neighboring properties where other infestations have become entrenched.

Winged ants. These pests look very much like termites, and are difficult to distinguish from actual termites, other than their elbowed antennae. It is possible to eliminate many of these with pesticides and the sealing of all cracks, but if all of them aren’t killed, the survivors will replicate and re-appear in the home.

The most effective approach to pest control in Stuart, FL

The best way by far to be confident of eliminating an ant infestation is to contact a qualified pest control company in Stuart, FL. They will positively identify the type of pests infesting your home, and consult with you about a treatment program that will leave your home pest-free. Ambassador Pest Management will guarantee 100% satisfaction for their pest control and ant problem treatment services. Contact their Stuart, FL office at 772-229-0400 today.

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