Thursday, December 17, 2015

5 Natural Ways to Fend Off Florida’s Summer Pests

Florida summers may be hot and humid, but at least there are lots of bugs! Even if you don’t mind the first two things, you’re probably not a fan of the third. Unfortunately, insects and other pests are part of the tradeoff for living in a tropical paradise.  There are a few natural pest control tricks you can use that can help make your home a little more pleasant and bug-free without endangering the health of your family or pets!

Catch more flies with vinegarEveryone has probably heard that old saying “you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” but that may not be the case! Try filling a container with cider vinegar, and then cover the top with saran wrap. Secure it with string, tape or a rubber band, poke some holes in it, and then wait for nature to take its course. Fruit flies will be there shortly!

Get rid of the moth, manSome houseguests you definitely don’t want this summer are moths. Moths would love nothing more than to have a party in your pantry! They’ll turn your dry goods into a buffet and reproduce at an alarming rate! If you see any pods or larvae on your shelves or food packaging, discard what they’ve ruined, wipe your shelves clean and then place dry bay leaves in your cupboard. To avoid having them feast on your winter wools, store clean items with lavender sachets or cedar blocks to discourage moths from munching.

Garlic – it’s not just for repelling vampires anymore!When bugs are looking to suck the lifeblood out of your garden plants, try a little vampire repellent in the form of this garlic elixir! Pour boiling water over garlic cloves that you’ve peeled, smashed and placed in a mason jar. Let your aromatic brew develop overnight before straining it and placing the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray on the affected plants and watch the bugs beat a hasty retreat.

Try some homemade bug sprayAs long as you’re in the kitchen whipping up some pest control concoctions, try your hand at making your own non-toxic bug spray that can be used by the whole family. Nearly fill an 8-oz spray bottle with equal amounts of witch hazel and distilled water. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 25 to 30 drops of the essential oil of your choice (lavender, citronella and eucalyptus work great).  Shake well and spray on.

Don’t get ticked off by ticksDress for success! If you’re going to be doing some gardening, keep your skin covered as well as you can, tucking your pant legs into your socks and securing your gloves over your sleeves with tape. Wearing light colors will make ticks more obvious during a spot check after you’re done with your chores. You might also want to consider one more kitchen project, combining two parts water with one part tea tree oil in a spray bottle to use as a repellent.

While these are all great tips, there are some pest control problems that will put you in need of some expert help. That’s where Ambassador Pest Management can help salvage your summer. Whether you’re dealing with cockroaches, termites, bed bugs or even nuisance wildlife, we’ve got you covered. With over 25 years experience and our 100% satisfaction guarantee, your pest problem won’t have you bugged this season!  866-632-0088

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Termite or Flying Ant? Can You Tell Them Apart?

If there’s one thing every homeowner dreads finding in or around their residence, it’s termites. Or is it a flying ant? Not sure which is which? You’re certainly not alone.

Both termites and carpenter ants fall under the terminology of “swarmer” by pest control professionals. Their primary purpose is the propagation of their colonies, and as such, most are females determined to mate and reproduce as quickly as possible.

Most laypeople will have difficulty telling the difference between the two types because of their very similar appearance.  When you’re just seeing black insects with wings, it’s important to distinguish what type of swarmer you’re dealing with, because the treatment for them can be very different. Here are a few ways to see which features will help you determine which is which.

Check out their antennae
One sign that you’re dealing with carpenter ants is if you their antennae have a bent appearance. If the insect you’ve got has straight antennae and are shorter in length, you’re very likely looking at the dreaded termites.

Body structure
Generally speaking, insects of all stripes have three different body sections – head, thorax, and abdomen. Keep in mind that these sections are not always apparent to the naked eye. In the case of termites, the body doesn’t appear to have separate regions and seem to have a uniform width. There is no mistaking the distinctive three sections of the carpenter ant.

Length of wings
Swarmers of both types each sport two pairs of wings (for a total of four wings altogether), one pair in the front and the other in the back. The back wings of carpenter ants are quite noticeably shorter than the front wings. Their wings also have a brownish color. If you’re seeing no discernible difference in length and the color is more of a translucent white, you’ve probably got a termite.

Whether the swarmers you’re seeing in your house are termites or ants, you may have a serious problem. You can be sure that their nest isn’t very far away. Don’t wait to contact a pest control professional. Swarmers of any kind are very difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate with DIY products.

Still not exactly sure if you’re seeing termites or carpenter ants in your West Palm Beach home? Contact the highly experienced professionals at Ambassador Pest Management. One of our friendly technicians will come out and conduct a free, no-obligation inspection and estimate. With over 25 years serving our area, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call today!  866-632-0088

Monday, October 19, 2015

DIY Ant and Pest Control Mistakes in West Palm Beach, FL

If you've been a homeowner or property manager in West Palm Beach, Florida for any length of time, the chances are pretty good that you've had to deal with an ant problem. Ants are one of the most common pest control issues in our area. The odds are also good that you've tried to deal with an infestation on your own with any number of DIY solutions you've seen. There are some common pitfalls with Do-It-Yourself ant pest control treatments, and we'd like to help you avoid them if at all possible.

Probably the most reaction to finding ants in your home or business is to kill the visible pest as quickly as possible and hope against hope that you've solved the problem. Some folks will try to accomplish this with insecticides purchased at the grocery or home improvement store, but this could be wasting time as well as money if an infestation is at hand.

Keep in mind that the ants you're able to see out in the open may only be a tiny fraction of what may be hiding in their nest not far away. There could be hundreds or even thousands more, with at least one queen who is busily laying eggs that will only increase the size of your infestation. So while you're hoping to solve your problem by spraying at the few dozen you see on your counter, what you really need to be dealing with is eradicating the nest.

There are some species of ants that are notoriously hard to eliminate. Carpenter and odorous ants can be incredibly persistent and homeowners may find that store-bought chemicals are no match for these pests. If you're unable to get a handle on your infestation, it's time to call in certified pest control professionals. They have techniques and products that can't be employed by the average business or homeowner.

It's also important to keep in mind that not all ants are your enemy. Many ants found out in your yard are beneficial to your plants and lawn by helping to control other pests, cleaning up plant debris and dead bugs.

Ambassador Pest Management are pest control experts who have been helping West Palm Beach and Stuart, Florida homeowners and businesses keep their properties safe and pest-free for over 25 years. Call us today for a free, no-obligation inspection by one of our certified and trained technicians. Your satisfaction is guaranteed 100%!  866-632-0088.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Get the Facts About Cockroaches and Asthma

No one likes to see cockroaches in their home, but perhaps the least savory and most dangerous part of a cockroach infestation are the things you don't see. The fecal waste matter and body part fragments contain highly concentrated allergens that can contaminate your home and the air you and your family breathe. These allergens are known to aggravate allergies and asthma in people, especially children. This is when pest control for cockroaches becomes a matter of health.

How can cockroaches affect my family's health?

Allergens created by cockroaches are very similar to those of dust mites, as they attach themselves to other airborne particles that settle quickly on surfaces in your home. While you try to remove them by vacuuming, you're actually stirring some up and sending them into the air you breathe (this is not to say that you shouldn't vacuum, however!). The particles collect in upholstered furniture, your bed linens and pillows, making them very easy to inhale.
These very cockroach allergens can aggravate existing allergies and be a trigger for asthma sufferers. Researchers, however, are investigating compelling evidence suggesting that children exposed to cockroach allergens are actually at greater risk of developing asthma. They are also a cause of wheezing and coughing in babies during their first year of life.

Where am I at the greatest risk of coming into contact with cockroach allergens?

The highest concentration of these allergens is usually found in areas providing ample food and water for the pests to survive, namely your kitchen area. These are the most common places for infestation to occur. The cockroach allergens found in your home's bedrooms are likely of greater concern, however. As the particles are likely to settle into bedding and pillows, the amount of time you spend in contact with those items every night becomes a significant factor.

How can I eliminate cockroach allergens in my home?

Although it's impossible to completely eliminate any exposure at all to these allergens because they're found in public places as well, such as schools, offices and restaurants, there are some precautions you can take to protect your family in your home.
  • Prevent or eliminate cockroach infestations. Keep your kitchen clean and free of food debris. Don't forget to periodically clean under your refrigerator or stove, where old food scraps may fall and collect. If you find you have an infestation, don't delay and contact a pest control professional to rid your home of them.
  • Pay special attention to problem areas, especially bedroom. Consider investing in mattress and pillow encasements if you've had infestation problems in the past. Wash linens in hot water at least once a week.
  • Do your best to reduce the humidity in your home. Cockroaches (as well as other household pests) thrive in damp environments. Make your home as inhospitable as possible for them.
  • Avoid the use of carpeting if you have highly allergic or asthmatic individuals in the home. Wood or tile flooring is easier to maintain and keep allergen-free.  If you're unable to do this, vacuuming and dusting several times a week may help to minimize the amount of allergens in your home.  People with cockroach allergies should not be present in the room while the cleaning is taking place, however, as the airborne particles can temporarily worsen the room's air quality.

If you live in the West Palm Beach or Stuart, Florida area and know or even suspect you have a cockroach infestation, call the pest control company with over 25 years of experience - Ambassador Pest Management. One of our certified technicians will be happy to come out to perform a free, no-obligation inspection, and as always for our services, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!  866-632-0088.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Avoid DIY Pest Control for These Three Types of Infestations

These days, most of us are looking for any opportunity to save money wherever we can, and that means taking on household projects ourselves.  Some things, like painting or replacing a leaky faucet, we might feel comfortable doing. Other projects we know are well beyond our skill level, like installing a new air conditioning unit or electrical rewiring. But when it comes to pest control, do you have a good idea of what you can handle on your own and what will require professional intervention?

The factors that can help you decide will generally come down to a few things:

  • what type of pests you've got
  • the size and scope of the infestation
  • impact to the health of your family
  • potential for damage to your home and property

Let's take a closer look at the first bullet point - the type of pest problem you're facing. It's a good idea to try not to tackle the following scenarios without a trained pest control professional.


These destructive and ravenous pests manage to cause an estimated five billion (that's billion with a "B"!) dollars in property damage each and every year.  Termites are on call 24/7, literally eating you out of house and home. It doesn't take long for an infestation to cause serious structural damage to your property. If you still think it might be worth a shot to try to get rid of them on your own, take a look at your homeowners ' insurance policy first. You'll likely find that you're not covered for termite damage. A professional has the knowledge, experience and equipment to deal with an infestation. The longer you delay calling one, the more expensive and dangerous your problem will become. The meter's running!

Bed Bugs

Getting rid of bed bugs is most assuredly not a good do-it-yourself project. They are very prolific and can be difficult to detect, hiding in hard-to-reach, hard-to-see areas like behind switchplates, deep in upholstery and even underneath wallpaper. Trying to control an infestation with DIY methods may only make matters worse, allowing their territory in your home to expand.  Improper use of chemicals can risk the health of your family members and pets, any may damage your home or furniture. You might also find what many others in this situation have already discovered: the amount of money and time spent on ineffective treatments exceeds what you'd spend to have it handled correctly the first time. A certified pest control expert knows their favorite hiding places and create an effective treatment plan.

Stinging Insect Nests

If you have an infestation of these pests, like yellow jackets, wasps, hornets or fire ants, don't even think about dealing with it on your own! A colony of these can have anywhere from several hundred up to tens of thousands of members, and if they feel you're a threat to the nest, they won't hesitate to attack. An estimated 500,000 people end up in an emergency room every year due to stinging insects. You needn't be allergic to be life threatening. If a swarm attacks, anyone is at risk!

Homeowners can find plenty of money-saving home treatments for common, benign pest problems around the home. The key is knowing when your best course of action is to call in the professionals. Ambassador Pest Management in West Palm Beach, Stuart and Jupiter, Florida has been fighting the good fight for home and business owners for over 25 years. If you've got a situation that requires professional help, call us today at 866-632-0800. Our trained and certified technicians will provide you with a free, no-obligation inspection. Your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Good Night! Sleep Tight! Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

With bed bug infestations in the news more and more, we thought it might be a good idea to provide some tips for their prevention. As a pest control company in West Palm Beach, FL, we see bed bugs more often than we'd care to admit. They're tenacious and difficult to get rid of, so preventing them from getting a foothold in your home is key!

"Go to the mattresses!"

Sonny had the right idea in The Godfather. If you're certain that your mattress is bed bug-free, you can keep them that way by using bed bug proof encasements on it and on your box spring. This will keep the creepy critters from starting a turf war with you when you're asleep.

Inspect all incoming furniture

This may be an unsettling thought, but it's not just that recliner from the second-hand shop that could introduce these blood-suckers into your home. Even new furniture could potentially have picked up some riders while in the warehouse or during transport. Yikes! Make sure you have a close look at any furniture, under the cushions and in the seams, before it comes inside.

Watch out for hitchhikers

If you travel for business or pleasure, there's always a chance that your suitcase will house some unwanted guests on the journey home. It's a good idea to check online to see if where you're staying has current complaints about bed bugs. Also, if you wake up with any bites on your person that you didn't go to bed with, that's a big red flag! If you weren't already a little spooked by the places we've already mentioned, you should know that movie theaters and libraries have also been reported to have bed bug problems. 

"Feed me, Seymour!"

Well, these aren't really bed bug eating plants, but there are a couple of varieties of greenery that might help repel them. Black cohosh and leggera alata are among them, as well as herbal essential oils like lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus and thyme.

Once you have bed bugs, however, it's time to call a professional. Even if you think you've managed to kill all the bugs yourself, the eggs can survive to hatch another day. Don't waste time and money. Ambassador Pest Management has serious experience ridding homes and businesses in West Palm Beach of these pests forever. Our treatment and your satisfaction is always guaranteed 100%. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation inspection and service estimate.  866-632-0088.

This article originally appeared on June 1st, 2015 on the Ambassador Pest Management Services blog.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Bed Bugs FAQ

good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs biteBy now it probably comes as no surprise that bed bugs have made a big comeback in recent years. It seems like when we turn on the news, stories of bed bug infestations are being reported in hospitals, libraries, hotels and even theaters. You may have wondered about these persistent pests when you've seen them mentioned. What follows are some of the most frequent questions we get about them.

I hear it is very difficult to get rid of bed bugs. Why?

These tiny, hidden hitchhikers are very hardy pests. They are capable of living for months without food. Bed bugs are able to live in a wide range of temperature extremes, from near freezing all the way up to 122°. And despite their name, they make their homes in more areas than just beds. To be able to get rid of them, you need find them all. The best way to ensure your entire home is free of these pests, professional pest control is highly recommended.

How can homeowners protect against bed bug infestations?

It is possible to keep your home bed bug free, but it will require vigilance and attention. If you travel for business or pleasure, make sure you carefully inspect your clothing and luggage immediately upon your return. Be careful about bringing any second-hand furniture into your home. Look for any signs of bugs or signs of their waste. If you suspect that you have an infestation, don't hesitate to contact a pest control company. Getting rid of bed bugs is definitely not a DIY project.

Why are bedbugs an issue for hotels, visitors, and homeowners?

First, you should know that having bed bugs isn't an indication of filth or issues with sanitation. Even the most meticulously kept spaces can find themselves with a problem. Bed bugs travel by hitching rides, and once they've invaded an area, they spread very rapidly in a variety of ways. Vacuum cleaners, suitcases, purses, pipes and clothing are all possible vehicles. If guests in a hotel room discover bed bugs and request to be moved to another room, it's just another way for the bugs to expand their territory.

If they're not just in beds, where else can bed bugs be found?

They actually are able to live just about anywhere. Sofas, chairs, cushions, upholstered furniture, baseboards, behind electrical outlets, you name it.

How can bedbugs be controlled?

An infestation requires professional pest control intervention to be adequately managed. A trained technician can carefully assess the extent of the problem and work with you in the development of a treatment plan and strategies for controlling bed bugs tailored to your situation. Don't try to tackle this problem on your own.

Can bedbugs cause illness?

Although bed bugs aren't known as disease carriers, their bites are very itchy and uncomfortable, and scratching at those welts can cause infection.

If you think your home has been invaded by bed bugs, don't delay - call Ambassador Pest Management today! Contact us for a free, no-obligation inspection. With over 25 years experience treating homes and businesses in West Palm Beach, we guarantee your satisfaction 100%!  866-632-0088

Monday, June 22, 2015

5 Tips for a Healthy Lawn in West Palm Beach, FL

If you're like most people, you've wished for your home to have a beautiful, lush lawn. Maybe you've even looked at a neighbor's yard with a little envy, wondering how they manage to keep it looking so lovely year-round.  The good news is that with some time, attention, and knowledge, you can have a gorgeous lawn, too!

Ambassador Pest Management Lawn ServicesChoose a grass that will thrive in our climate

Picking a grass that is native to the area, or one that has been cultivated to perform well in local conditions, is essential to getting good results. One of the most common types in Florida is St. Augustine grass, as it is very adaptable to different soils. It's dense, with a blue-green hue, has a good shade tolerance and establishes itself quickly. You should also be aware that it doesn't stand up well to heavy traffic, and it does experience browning during its dormant winter months. Zoysia grass is also popular, as it tolerates variations in light, moisture, temperature and light well. Zoysia is good at repelling weeds and withstands traffic, but also has a dormant period during cool, dry weather.

Beware heavily compacted soil

For grass to grow and flourish, it needs to breathe. When your lawn becomes heavily compacted by excessive foot traffic, vehicles or other sources, there will not be sufficient air circulation for it to thrive. Another problem that can occur from compacted soil is a reduced ability for water to drain away. This can produce an environment conducive for disease, rot, certain insects and weeds that flourish in turf that is very tight.

Avoid overusing harsh chemicals

Herbicides and other chemical treatments can be very beneficial in keeping your lawn weed- and disease-free, but they may not have to be your first go-to solution. Keeping a close eye on what's popping up in your lawn, you may be able to catch weeds at their first appearance, and have a chance to hand pull them before they spread. Careful removal by hand can also reduce the chance of the seeds of the offending weeds being spread with the lawnmower or weed whip.

Pay attention to your yard's other features

If you have flowerbeds, paver pathways or other landscaping features, you may be drawing damaging insects or unwanted weeds into your yard. Consider investing in a few safeguards against these problems. Install synthetic mats containing herbicide under floral beds. Lay a generous amount of mulch down to prevent the germination of weeds by blocking any light from your soil.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Ask anyone who has dealt with a lawn that has been damaged by pests or weeds, and they'll likely tell you how they wished they'd paid closer attention to what was happening in their yard. Coming back from lawn problems is much more difficult, expensive and time-consuming than taking precautions to prevent them from ever taking hold. Proper fertilization and irrigation will give you a great head start.

To ensure your best chance at success, employ an expert to help you achieve your goals. Ambassador Pest Management in West Palm Beach, FL has been family-owned and operated for over 25 years, helping home and business owners just like you keep their landscaping beautiful and their property pest-free. Call us today at 866-632-0088  for your risk-free, no obligation consultation! 

Monday, June 8, 2015

When Should You Call a Termite Exterminator in West Palm Beach, FL?

falling down termite houseAn unfortunate truth about living in South Florida is that termites will present a threat to your home at some point or another. Another sad truth is that most people will not even know when they have a termite problem. It's an excellent idea to make the time to inspect your home on a regular basis for any of the signs that you may need to call a termite exterminator.
Here are three things to look for that may indicate you're having a problem:

Mud Shelter Tubes

Although they can be difficult to see, blending in to the surrounding concrete or soil, mud tubes on your foundation or crawl space piers are a good indicator of a termite infestation.  Check carefully along slabs and foundation walls, paying special attention to the area where the soil meets the home, the corners, and in any cracks that may exist. You can use a sharp tool such as a screwdriver to chip these mud tubes open to look for any signs of live termites.


One of the first signs a homeowner may have of an infestation is swarms of termites near lights or on windowsills, or evidence of wings in spider webs or cobwebs. If you find signs of them indoors, this is generally a pretty reliable indicator that you have a problem. Swarms of termites outside may also indicate that a structure nearby is suffering an infestation. It's important to know the difference between termites and winged ants, as they can commonly be mistaken for the other.

Wood Damage

This is a sign that may not be discovered right away, but it is a reliable one of a current problem or of one in the past.  Anywhere that soil, mulch or landscaping is coming into direct contact with wood, there is a risk of termite infestation. Using a hammer or screwdriver, tap at the wood in question and listen for a dull, hollow sound. Areas where moisture comes into contact with wood can be the cause of decay, and should be carefully examined.

If you are seeing any of the above signs, it's time to call a professional pest control company. Engaging an experienced termite exterminator as quickly as possible is key to saving you time, money and heartache. Don't try to deal with a termite infestation on your own. Call Ambassador Pest Management today for a free, no obligation inspection and service estimate. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Summer Pest Control in West Palm Beach, FL

Summers in West Palm Beach, FL are hot, sunny, and notoriously buggy. Although we all want to get out and enjoy the weather and all that South Florida has to offer, bugs always seem determined to take a bite out of our fun.
Pest control experts see them all. Here are a few of the worst offenders of the summertime killjoys.


There are many different types of ants we have to deal with in Florida, and none of them are any fun. They invade our homes and picnics in search of food. While some may bring mostly annoyance, others, like fire ants, bring pain!


Aside from the buzzing around your bedroom keeping you up at night, houseflies can also bring disease: typhoid, tuberculosis and dysentery, just to name a few. Unsightly fly strips and constant swatting can really take some of the wind out of your summer sails.


Some of spiders are harmless, and can even be considered beneficial, making a meal of other household pests. Others (like widows or recluses) can be poisonous, and if you or your loved ones are allergic, even downright dangerous. No matter which type you can encounter, many people will agree they can be unwelcome.

Bed Bugs

One of the worst pest control problems out there, bed bugs are more active in the summer. They may have hitched a ride home in your suitcase after your last vacation or business trip or made their way in on that sofa you got on Craigslist. Once they're in, they're notoriously difficult to send packing. Bed bugs see you as their meal tickets, leaving their bite marks as painful evidence.

Wasps, Hornets and Yellow Jackets

Most of us have encountered one of these stinging pests, and if you've been stung, you're certainly anxious to avoid having it happen again. Although they generally sting as a self-defense mechanism, you can't be sure if you've inadvertently threatened one. People with allergies also fear the wrath of these pests, and for good reason. If you have allergies to them, carrying an epi-pen when you're enjoying the Florida outdoors in the summer is a good idea.

When the bugs mentioned above are around in small numbers, they're easier to take. If, however, you find yourself dealing with a population in or around your home that is growing unmanageable, it's time to call a pest control professional. Contact Ambassador Pest Management to come out and do a full inspection at no charge. We can assess your problem and give you a service estimate to get your problem back under control. Remember, we guarantee your satisfaction 100%!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Subterranean Termite Damage in Your West Palm Beach, FL Home

termite controlLet's start with a disturbing fact: Certain subterranean termites are capable of ingesting up to fifteen pounds of wood in a single week. Think about that for a moment, if you dare. Now picture what that sort of termite damage could do to your home. Scary!

The termites we're most concerned with here in West Palm Beach and surrounding parts of south Florida are the Formosan Subterranean Termite. A non-native insect, it was unintentionally brought here after the second World War.  They tend to have much larger colonies than those of the native species.

Termite damage in West Palm Beach, FL

Their insatiable appetites can inflict tremendous damage to building that are unprotected, especially those comprised of wood products. These termites have a knack for keeping out of sight, which often allows them to get quite a head start on damaging timbers and framing structures before ever doing external, noticeable damage to the home. Once these unwelcome visitors have made themselves at home, they don't limit themselves to feasting on wood alone. They're also capable of causing harm to plaster, soft plastics and rubber, and silicone sealants.

These voracious pests are estimated to cause damage in the billions of dollars each and every year. By some accounts, the costs are greater than those caused by combined total of earthquakes, fires and tornadoes. With statistics like that, is it any wonder that termites are of grave concern to Florida homeowners?

Termite pest control professionals, West Palm Beach, FL

If you believe you're dealing with a termite problem in your West Palm Beach home, contact Ambassador Pest Management today. With over 25 years of experience, this family-owned and operated company will provide a free, no-obligation inspection and service estimate. Our trained professional technicians will do a chemical soil treatment, termite baiting and colony elimination as well as make suggestions for building modifications and maintenance that will help keep your home termite-free going forward. Remember - your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Pest Control to Keep Your West Palm Beach, FL Lawn Beautiful

The summer rains here in south Florida can provide some relief from the heat as well as keeping our lawns lush and green, but they can also do some damage if you don't stay on top of any potential pest control issues. Aside from standing water attracting disease-causing pests like mosquitoes, it may serve as an ideal location for some lawn-destroying pests to get a foothold on your property.
What follows are some of the most common pests, and what signs for which to be watching.

Chinch Bugs

Are patches of dead, brown grass beginning to take over your lawn? That could be a sign of the dreaded chinch bug. These tiny pests feed off of the sap in your grass, gradually killing it. If you've been overwatering, over-fertilizing, have sandy or shell-filled soil, or you have St. Augustine grass, you are more susceptible to this damage-causing pest.

If you monitor your lawn carefully, you may be able to catch it in time. Chinch bugs will cause this progression of signs:
  • First you may notice that certain areas of the grass are growing more slowly than other areas.
  • Next, those areas on your lawn will begin turning yellow
  • The next phase will see that grass becoming a red/brown color.
  • Finally, large sections of the lawn will die, appearing as though there were drought conditions

Sod Webworms

These little creatures resemble caterpillars, coming out to feast on your lawn at night. At their most active from April until autumn, they begin life as larvae, basically only scraping the grass blade surface. As they grow larger, though, so does their appetite. Sod webworms will begin eating the blades of grass, causing your lawn to begin to appear uneven and ragged, with patches of your lawn eventually growing thinner.

Sod webworms are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, so you may be able to diagnose their existence in your grass visually. You may also be able to determine their presence by being on the lookout for the green-tinged, pellet-shaped waste they leave behind them.


These small crescent-shaped bugs will make a meal of your grass roots, burrowing tunnels as they feed their way across your lawn. The damage they cause to the roots makes it hard for the grass to absorb the nutrients and water it needs to flourish. If you're seeing sections of your yard turning yellow and dying, you may want to dig in and see if grubs are to blame. Cut a flap of grass about one square foot and peel it back. You'll be able to spot them if they're present.

Another downside to these pests is that they're a tasty food source for armadillos and raccoons, who will dig up your lawn in search of a meal.

If you suspect your lawn has fallen prey to any of these bugs, the time to call a pest control expert is now. Ambassador Pest Management  will come to your home or business and perform a free, no-obligation inspection and provide you with a service estimate that will help you take back your lawn from these unwelcome invaders.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mosquito Bite Control Tips in West Palm Beach

Nothing can ruin enjoying a beautiful sunset here in West Palm Beach faster than an uninvited swarm of mosquitoes buzzing around you. That annoying hum and the painful, itchy bites will quickly drive you back indoors. This is a pest control problem that is very familiar to those of us in Southeast Florida.

You can try some of these tips to help you reclaim your yard and your cherished time outdoors.

Controlling mosquito bites in West Palm Beach

The prevention of mosquito bites is not without its challenges, but here are a few things that may help you to keep them at bay.
  • Although they're ready for a meal anytime, the favorite feasting time for mosquitoes is dawn and dusk. Try to limit the length of time you're outdoors at these two times of the day, especially if you're in areas that are wooded.
  • The use of repellants can be quite effective. Look for products containing DEET, eucalyptus oil, Picaridin and/or IR3535. The CDC lists these as their recommendations.
  • Avoid wearing dark colored clothing. It also helps to keep as much skin covered as possible, so long pants and long sleeves are advisable.
  • Mosquitoes are drawn to strongly scented body lotions and perfumes.
  • It may seem like a no-brainer, but keeping your doors and windows closed will limit their access to your home and car. 
  • If you haven't already, screen your porch or patio. This will allow you to enjoy some fresh air but keep you bite-free. If your home already has a screened porch, make sure you keep your screens in great repair, patching any tears to prevent giving mosquitoes access to your refuge.

Although all these ideas can help prevent a multitude of bites (and possibly sleepless nights up scratching, swatting, tossing and turning), they can't completely eliminate the problem. That's where Ambassador Pest comes in.

Professional mosquito control solutions in West Palm Beach

Ambassador Pest will be happy to visit your home or business and check your property for the presence of mosquitoes and other pests to get an idea of the population size and scope of your problem. Our professional technicians will provide this on-site inspection absolutely free, and give you a service estimate.
Our family-owned and operated business has been around for over 25 years, and we take guarantee your 100% satisfaction.  Contact us today, and start enjoying the great outdoors again!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Is roach bait an effective method of pest control?

Roaches are one of the most universally reviled insects, and one of the most troublesome of household pests in West Palm Beach, FL. They are associated with having bad odor, contaminating food and dishes, ruining paper products, leaving nasty stains on surfaces, and they are notorious carriers of about 32 types of bacteria that can cause diseases in humans. Much of the public disgust with these verminous critters stems from the fact that their sources of nourishment often come from rotting foods and feces found in places like garbage cans, sewers, and animal cages. No homeowner should tolerate an infestation of roaches, but what is the most effective method of pest control for ridding your home of them?

Roach baits

pest control, roach control west palm beachThe use of roach baits has increased greatly in recent years because they do have some advantages over pesticides and sprays formerly used. Since baits are not sprayed on to a surface, they leave no residue on exposed surfaces anywhere in the home, and it is therefore unnecessary to cover up dishes, furniture, and other household objects. 
The down side of using baits is that in order to be effective, the baits must be placed in precisely the area where there is an infestation of them, so the bait can be consumed and poison them. In addition, there are some species of roaches that are not attracted to baits, so this method of pest control won't work at all on them. Most female roaches carrying sacks of eggs are not attracted to baits either, which means that they will lay their eggs and produce many more vermin despite the presence of the bait. Large infestations of roaches can be quite costly to manage with the use of baits as well.

The most effective method for pest control in West Palm Beach

The only way to be sure of ridding a home of roaches is to engage the services of pest control experts in West Palm Beach. They will be able to identify which species of roach is troubling your home, and which approach will be the most effective one for their elimination. If using a roach bait turns out to be the best solution, an expert will know exactly where to place it to knock out the whole population.