Thursday, February 4, 2016

Winter Pest Control in West Palm Beach and Stuart, FL

With the winter season upon us many of us in West Palm Beach and Stuart will have friends or family coming to visit and enjoy the beautiful weather. It's great to have an open door for visitors, but make sure it's closed for winter pests! Here are a few tips that may help you stop a potential problem in its tracks so you can relax and enjoy your invited guests.

Unwanted guests? Rats!
Rats, mice and other rodents are on the lookout for a warm place to stay and raise a family. Don't let your home become theirs, too! They need only a very small opening to gain access to your residence, and they'll have no problem using a tree as a ladder into your attic! Keep branches and limbs trimmed and away from your house to help prevent access.

Since you may be heading into the attic to get out the decorations anyway, now is a great time to look for any signs of infestation.  If you see any small droppings, you have evidence that rodents have been there. You can call Ambassador Pest Management to come out for a free inspection and see if your visitors are still in residence.

Don't be bugged by bugs this winter!
Winter is the time Floridians may have to deal with more roaches, ticks and silverfish.  A favorite hiding place for roaches is just about any dark place with a ready food source. Ticks can be a risk if you bring in any outdoor plants for the season or before a frost. They'll catch a ride inside if you don't carefully examine them before the move.  Silverfish are fond of warm environments and will feed off of boxes, insulation and other materials.

Remember those boxes full of decorations you just brought down from the attic? It's the perfect to time inspect your storage containers and boxes for any signs of life. It's a great idea to invest in some containers that will seal tightly to provide fewer hiding places for pests.

Keeping your yard and home pest free
It's important to keep close tabs on any pest problems or potential trouble zones. Prevention is always best, but early treatment can save you time, hassle and money. Ambassador Pest Management provides free inspections with no obligation to you. Our experienced and skilled technicians will give your West Palm Beach or Stuart home and yard a thorough inspection, recommendations and, as always, our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call us today at 866-632-0088.

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