Thursday, February 18, 2016

I think I have cockroaches! Ugh! Now what?

It’s something many West Palm Beach residents have had to face at some point. It’s late in the evening, dinner was a few hours ago, and you can’t stop thinking about that carrot cake/ice cream/key lime pie in the kitchen. You get up, and when you turn on the kitchen light, you see a cockroach scurry under the fridge. You immediately remember the old adage that if you see one, you can be sure there are a bunch of them. They never come to the party alone, and once they’ve decided to turn your house into their personal playground, they’ll just keep multiplying.

So, you’ve seen that cockroach. You know in your gut that you probably are already facing having to deal with an infestation. Roaches are mostly only seen at night, running away from the light faster than prohibition partiers with cops at the door of their speakeasy. – they’ll scurry away from light sources. If you’re not sure that you saw what you think you saw, look for signs they may have left.

Signs that you have an infestation
If you spot what looks like spilled pepper, but you don’t never spilled any pepper, there’s a good chance that pepper is actually roach droppings. You’ll also want to take a look in dark places like under the sink or in the pantry. These sources of food and water are definite hangouts for these pests. Same with under the refrigerator. And check out under any throw rugs or mats and in small crevices. They can squeeze into places you wouldn’t think they could. Do you see any dead roaches? That’s also a bad sign, because his friends are probably holding  wake nearby. You might also notice a musty smell that won’t go away. They’re not known for emitting a fresh-as-a-daisy scent.

Do you have any (or all) of these signs? Then there’s a good chance you’ve already got an infestation on your hands. Taking on their eradication is not an easy DIY project. Even if you get rid of their food water sources, they may decide to stick around and wait for you to get careless or complacent. They can wait you out because it’s possible for them to go without food for up to a month.  Yikes!

What to do when you’ve got cockroaches
Although making sure you’re not leaving any standing water, fixing leaky plumbing, making sure food is put away quickly, crumbs are swept up and is stored in airtight containers is a great start, it won’t get rid of the problem. It’s an excellent measure for future prevention, though. You should definitely employ these techniques after getting rid of the infestation.

The best course of action to rid your home of cockroaches? Call Ambassador Pest Management today!  Our highly skilled and certified technician will come for a free inspection, treatment plan and estimate. Remember that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our pest control services! Don’t delay, call today!  866-632-0088

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