Thursday, March 3, 2016

If there's one type of pest that strikes fear into the hearts of Florida homeowners, it's got to be termites. There's good reason for concern, too. Each year, over five and a half billion dollars is spent by Americans attempting to repair the damage created by these insidious pests. Scariest of all? Check your homeowner's insurance policy - you'll find that termite damage isn't covered. You'll end up having to pay for it out-of-pocket.

And be prepared for sticker shock because those costs will take a big bite out of your wallet. The average amount the typical homeowner will end up having to shell out is estimated to be between $3000 and $8000! Considering these figures and the old adage that there are two types of homes in Florida; those that have termites and those that will get termites, it can be very discouraging.

Just how big of a problem are termites? Here are some shocking statistics about the termite population in Florida:

  • Approximately 13-14 termite colonies can be found per acre
  • There can be as many as 2.6 million termites per colony
  • The queens are capable of laying more than 5,000 eggs per day
  • Over 30% of all termite damage occurs in our state
  • Each year, termite damage exceeds the damage of all natural disasters combined
  • At least 2 million homes  will require termite treatment this year

The amount of damage a colony can inflict depends on which type of termites you have, the size of their colony, what the type and condition if of the wood, if there are any other food sources are available, not to mention the weather and temperature. On average, termite colonies take over five years to grow to a size that can cause damage.

A Formosan termite colony can be a bigger problem as they're generally larger than other subterranean colonies and thus can destroy more wood faster. It's been estimated that under ideal climate conditions, a Formosan colony requires less than six months to cause severe damage to a home. If this sort of infestation goes undetected and therefore untreated in warm, damp surroundings, a house can sustain significant damage in only two years.

What can I do about termites in my home? A termite infestation is definitely not a DIY project, and homeowners shouldn't try to go it alone. Specialized equipment and training is required to fully treat a termite problem, and time and money spent on trying to tackle this problem yourself will likely end up costing you much more in the long run. 

Ambassador Pest Management has over 25 years of experience in treating termites and other pests in the West Palm Beach, Stuart and Jensen Beach, Florida area. Call today for a free, no-obligation inspection and one of our certified technicians will come out to assess the extent of your problem and discus treatment options. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.  866-632-0088

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