Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tips for Having the Best Lawn on the Block in South Florida

If you’re like most of us, you can’t help but notice the beautifully landscaped, lush green yards of your neighbors as you walk the dog or drive down the street. It’s hard not to make comparisons between those lawns and your own.  Despite your perfectly timed and calibrated sprinkler system, you still see brown spots. Your shrubs are looking a bit spotty and yellow.

At a loss for what you can do differently to “keep up with the Joneses”? The secret they may have that you don’t is an integrated pest management system.  You can water and fertilize until the cows come home, but if you’re dealing with garden pests and destructive wildlife, your poor lawn doesn’t have a chance.

If you’re tired of struggling in vain to tame the jungle alone, it’s time to give Ambassador Pest Management a call. We specialize in the treatment of lawns and shrubs and understand the challenges homeowners face in maintaining a beautiful yard. Between pests, fungus, grub worms, brown and yellow spots, it becomes even more difficult, and less fun.

Turn your lawn and shrubs over to Ambassador and experience the joys of being green, with none of the hassle. Our highly trained technicians will have your yard looking great year-round with regular applications of both insecticide and fertilizers to control weeds, fungus and insects. 

Our green products are safe for your pets and children, and are guaranteed to have your yard looking fantastic. Call Ambassador Pest Management today for a free inspection and more information about a custom lawn and shrub program tailored to your needs.  

With over 25 years experience serving our many happy customers in West Palm Beach, Wellington, Jupiter and Stuart, Ambassador can have you holding your head up high again, with the most beautiful lawn on the block! 866-632-0088

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ant Control in Stuart, FL

Controlling an ant problem in your home can be one of the most frustrating pest control projects you ever undertake in your Stuart, FL home. You might think you have the problem licked by spraying all the entrances, cracks, and windows, and maybe for a time they do disappear – and then they come back again.
One of the reasons for this is that some ant species will have both parent colonies and satellite colonies in the vicinity of the home. Parent colonies are often located outside the home, in a pile of rotting wood or in some other clump of wood that’s soaked and soft, while the satellite colonies are more likely to be inside, wherever moist, damaged wood can be found. Do-it-yourself methods will sometimes kill off most of a satellite colony, but leave the other dozen colonies undisturbed.

Identifying an ant infestation

The first step toward eliminating any ant problem is to identify which kind of ant you’re dealing with, and that will indicate what kind of pest control methods should be used. Here are some of the most common types of ants:

Carpenter ants. There are about 25 different species of carpenter ants found in homes, and 6 of them are capable of doing major structural damage. Many of these species have the parent-satellite pattern of home infestation described above, and can only be truly eliminated if all colonies are found and wiped out.

Fire ants. These kinds of ants are found mostly in the eastern U.S., from the New England states to Florida, and can vary from being minor pests in the yard, to very aggressive pests that invade the home. They can be very difficult to eliminate because even after eradication, they can still come from neighboring properties where other infestations have become entrenched.

Winged ants. These pests look very much like termites, and are difficult to distinguish from actual termites, other than their elbowed antennae. It is possible to eliminate many of these with pesticides and the sealing of all cracks, but if all of them aren’t killed, the survivors will replicate and re-appear in the home.

The most effective approach to pest control in Stuart, FL

The best way by far to be confident of eliminating an ant infestation is to contact a qualified pest control company in Stuart, FL. They will positively identify the type of pests infesting your home, and consult with you about a treatment program that will leave your home pest-free. Ambassador Pest Management will guarantee 100% satisfaction for their pest control and ant problem treatment services. Contact their Stuart, FL office at 772-229-0400 today.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Termite Damage and Your Stuart Florida Home

Let's start with a disturbing fact: Certain subterranean termites are capable of ingesting up to fifteen pounds of wood in a single week. Think about that for a moment, if you dare. Now picture what that sort of termite damage could do to your home. Scary!

The termites we're most concerned with here in Stuart and surrounding parts of south Florida are the Formosan Subterranean Termite. A non-native insect, it was unintentionally brought here after the second World War.  They tend to have much larger colonies than those of the native species.

Their insatiable appetites can inflict tremendous damage to building that are unprotected, especially those comprised of wood products. These termites have a knack for keeping out of sight, which often allows them to get quite a head start on damaging timbers and framing structures before ever doing external, noticeable damage to the home. Once these unwelcome visitors have made themselves at home, they don't limit themselves to feasting on wood alone. They're also capable of causing harm to plaster, soft plastics and rubber, and silicone sealants.

These voracious pests are estimated to cause damage in the billions of dollars each and every year. By some accounts, the costs are greater than those caused by combined total of earthquakes, fires and tornadoes. With statistics like that, is it any wonder that termites are of grave concern to Florida homeowners?

If you believe you're dealing with a termite problem in your Stuart, Florida home, contact Ambassador Pest Management today. With over 25 years of experience, this family-owned and operated company will provide a free, no-obligation inspection and service estimate. Our trained professional technicians will do a chemical soil treatment, termite baiting and colony elimination as well as make suggestions for building modifications and maintenance that will help keep your home termite-free going forward. Remember - your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

How Do You Choose the Best Pest Control Company?

One of the "joys" of living in Stuart, Florida is having to deal with occasional pest infestations. South Florida is famous for its gorgeous weather and beautiful beaches, but unfortunately we're also known for our bugs. When you're facing a pest control issue, you can feel overwhelmed and want to act as quickly as possible - completely understandable. You should, however, take the time to investigate your options before selecting the best pest control company for you.

These tips will help you select an experienced, reputable and reliable company as your partner in the battle of the bugs! Consider the following attributes before making your decision.

Do They Have a Good Reputation in the Industry? 
A great place to start is to ask your coworkers, friends neighbors or family members if they have any recommendations for you. Inquire about their pest control company experiences - both good and bad.  Don't rely on advertising alone - unbiased reviews on the Internet can be a helpful tool. You may also wish to check for complaints with the Better Business Bureau or with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for any violations.

How Much Experience Do They Have? 
Knowing how long the company has been in business can be a good indication of how they operate. If they've been around for decades, that's a good sign. You can ask a company for references as well. Ask about their experience in dealing with the particular pest control issues that you're having. You may also consider asking about the training they provide for their new service technicians.  How they answer these questions will teach you quite a bit about how the company operates.

What Are Their Qualifications? 
Inquire as to their licensing requirements for technicians and which ones they hold. Are all of the licenses current and in good standing? And are those licenses the appropriate classification for their job description and responsibilities? You can call the pesticide regulatory office to ensure the information you've been given is correct and truthful.

Ask if continuing training and education is provided for employees, and how they keep them up-to-date on current regulations, new products or current product safety concerns and new techniques available to them. Another good question is if they use Integrated Pest Management techniques.

Do They Offer a Good Value For Your Investment? 
Check with companies to see if they offer free, no-obligation written estimates. You may wish to get several estimates before making your final selection. Going with the lowest price isn't necessarily the most cost-effective solution. Look into whether they require you to sign a long term contract, and if they do, what is the pricing structure? Do they guarantee their work and your satisfaction?

How Is Their Customer Service? 
Probably one of the most important considerations is how well their staff listens to and addresses any concerns you have, and treats you and your home with the respect and care you deserve. Are their technicians professional, timely, thorough in explaining and giving evidence of the extent your problem? Make sure they're able to provide you with information about the treatment they recommend.

By asking these questions and spending a little extra time up front to do your homework, you can feel comfortable that you're hiring the best pest control company for you and your home. Ambassador Pest Management has over 25 years experience, is completely licensed and GreenPro certified. Our technicians are professional and knowledgeable, and will be happy to come to your home or business to provide a free, no-obligation inspection and quote. Ambassador offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - call our Stuart/Martin County office today at 772-229-0040!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Termites are the silent home killer

If left untreated, termites will silently destroy the wood structure of your home, causing expensive, hard-to-repair damage. Estimates put property damage caused by these destructive insects at over five billion dollars annually. We don’t want you to be part of those statistics! Early identification and treatment of an infestation will save you valuable time and money.

Signs of a termite infestation
Here are a few signs of a potential termite problem that you’ll want to be on the lookout for:
  • Piles of discarded wings near doors or windows.
  • Mud tubes about the diameter of pencil on your exterior walls or on the ground heading toward your home
  • Paint that appears blistered or splintered
  • Soft wood in the home that has a hollow sound when tapped
  • Painting on the walls of your home that is starting to appear splintered or blistered
If you see any of these signs, now is the time to contact Ambassador Pest for a free inspection. The sooner you act, the less damage termites will have a chance to inflict.

Tips for avoiding a termite infestation
The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure couldn’t be more true than it is in the case of termites. If you’re not dealing with an infestation, great! Keep it that way with these tips:
  • Keep your gutter and down-spouts clean to protect your home’s foundation
  • Keep untreated wood piles as far from your house as possible
  • Make sure that your plants, ground covers and debris at least three to four feet away your home’s foundation
  • Never allow untreated wood to directly have contact on soil or concrete
  • Routinely examine splits or cracks in concrete slabs, especially in spring and late summer
  • Inspect your home during early spring and late summer
If you have any questions of would like to schedule a free home inspection, call Ambassador Pest Management today at 866-632-0088. With over 25 years serving the Palm Beaches and Martin county and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, our certified technicians will help keep you and your home safe from termites and other pests.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cockroaches 101

There are two things that every Florida resident can count on in the summer - hot, sticky weather and the potential for unwanted houseguests of the insect kind. Although we love the beautiful Stuart, Florida weather and surroundings, no one is crazy about the idea of bugs in their home. One very common problem many folks have to deal with at one point or another is cockroaches. Read on for some basic information about these pests and what you can do lessen their impact on your life.

Establish where the infestation problem areas are 
Make a close inspection of the cockroach's favorite places to hide. The kitchen is number one on their list. Check carefully in the area under the sink, around your appliances (dishwasher, fridge, stove, microwave). Then take a good look at your pantry and cupboards. Look for any evidence that they've been there - live or dead roaches, any feces or traces of eggs or egg sacs.

Also make certain you inspect your bathrooms very closely. Again, the areas under the sink or sinks are a likely place to find them, as well as cabinets, the shower and around the bathtub. If you have a crawlspace, check there as well. They love damp places, so these areas are natural stomping grounds for cockroaches.

Identify what type of cockroaches you're dealing with 
Consider buying some glue traps from your local home improvement store that you can set around areas that seem to be getting a lot of activity. One way to find out where they run to and hide is to plan a "surprise attack" at night - sneak into your bathroom or kitchen and turn on the lights. If any of them are around, they'll scurry away quickly. Place your traps in the areas where they headed. 

There are different methods for exterminating the unique types of roaches out there. Once one of them has taken the bait, you'll be able to show your pest control professional the type of cockroaches that have taken up residence.  This will help them know the most efficient and effective way to treat your problem.

Prevent your cockroaches from making a return visit 
Cockroaches need the same things we do to survive: water, food and shelter. You'll want to make your home as unwelcoming and unfit as possibly can for them to thrive.  Be certain that you're not providing them with access to your food; keep items in your pantry sealed in airtight containers, don't leave leftovers or dinner scraps out in the open. Keep cardboard boxes up off the floor. It's a good idea to have a garbage can with a tight-fitting lid. Keep your food prep areas clean and wiped down at all times, paying close attention to areas between appliances and your counters.

Vacuum often. Be certain you're getting areas of high activity or places where they've been known to set up shop.  This includes cupboards, cabinets, draperies, furniture, carpet and rugs and sink areas. Keeping these areas free from roach eggs and food crumbs is essential.

Keep your plumbing in good working order. Fix leaky taps and replace bad or cracked molding. Give your roaches fewer places to have accessible water. Don't leave standing water in sinks or tubs - it's a good idea to wipe them dry before calling it a night.

Following these tips will go a long way to help you ensure your home's only inhabitants are you, your pets or invited guests. If you're dealing with a cockroach problem or any other type of pest infestation in Martin County, give the experienced pest control professionals at Ambassador Pest Management a call at 772-229-0040. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The importance of pest control in your Stuart, FL home

No homeowner really wants to surrender to pests in the house, but a lot of homeowners in Stuart, FL are in a mild stage of denial about having a pest control problem in their homes. This is somewhat understandable, because once you admit you really do have a pest problem, it means you are obliged to do something about it. Here are some reasons that pest problems should not be overlooked, and should instead be addressed at the earliest opportunity.

Foods can become contaminated
Rats and mice can chew through practically anything, including cereal boxes and bags of flour or sugar. They will come in contact with all content inside, and may even leave feces and urine behind. Cockroaches pick up bacteria from sewage and debris they crawl through, then transfer it to foods they find in the home.

Pests can cause structural damage to the home
Termites can cause unbelievable damage to the structure of a house, once they become entrenched. Posts, floor supports, ceiling supports, drywall, and more are all fair game to these ravenous vermin, and by the time you see the problem it has already become a major one. Only a professional will be able to eliminate the whole population of termites.

Pests carry and spread disease
Common houseflies are capable of carrying more than 100 pathogens like typhoid, tuberculosis, and polio, which can infect humans and animals and cause serious health issues. Ticks are also disease carriers, and are known to pass on typhus, Lyme disease, and encephalitis to household residents. Cockroaches can cause rashes in humans simply by crawling over the skin, but the 33 different kinds of bacteria carried by cockroaches can also cause allergic reactions and trigger asthma episodes in younger children.

Best course of action
This is only a partial listing of the catalog of diseases, health problems, and home damage that pests in the home can cause, and it’s easy to see that the most prudent course of action when home pests are suspected, is to immediately consult with a pest control professional. A home visit by Ambassador Pest Management in Stuart will identify which kinds of pests are involved, and that will indicate what the course of action should be to make your home pest-free.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

When Should You Call a Termite Exterminator in Stuart, FL?

The sad fact about living in South Florida is that termites will present a threat to your home at some point or another. Another unfortunate truth is that most people will not even know when they have a termite problem. It's an excellent idea to make the time to inspect your home on a regular basis for any of the signs that you may need to call a termite exterminator.

Here are three things to look for that may indicate you're having a problem:

Signs of Damage to Your Home's Wood 
 This is a sign that may not be discovered right away, but it is a reliable one of a current problem or of one in the past.  Anywhere that soil, mulch or landscaping is coming into direct contact with wood, there is a risk of termite infestation. Using a hammer or screwdriver, tap at the wood in question and listen for a dull, hollow sound. Areas where moisture comes into contact with wood can be the cause of decay, and should be carefully examined.

Evidence of Mud Shelter Tubes 
 Although they can be difficult to see, blending in to the surrounding concrete or soil, mud tubes on your foundation or crawl space piers are a good indicator of a termite infestation.  Check carefully along slabs and foundation walls, paying special attention to the area where the soil meets the home, the corners, and in any cracks that may exist. You can use a sharp tool such as a screwdriver to chip these mud tubes open to look for any signs of live termites.

Swarmers Around Lights and Windowsills 
 One of the first signs a homeowner may have of an infestation is swarms of termites near lights or on windowsills, or evidence of wings in spider webs or cobwebs. If you find signs of them indoors, this is generally a pretty reliable indicator that you have a problem. Swarms of termites outside may also indicate that a structure nearby is suffering an infestation. It's important to know the difference between termites and winged ants, as they can commonly be mistaken for the other.

If you are seeing any of the above signs, it's time to call a professional pest control company. Engaging an experienced termite exterminator as quickly as possible is key to saving you time, money and heartache. Don't try to deal with a termite infestation on your own. Call Ambassador Pest Management in Stuart and West Palm Beach today for a free, no obligation inspection and service estimate. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed! 866-632-0088

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pest Control for the Health of Your Family and South Florida Business

Pests come in all shapes and sizes and can often be dangerous. Your family’s health is at risk if there is any chance of pests in your home or even on your lawn. They are so easy to bring in that they are often unnoticeable. You’re not the only one fighting this war on insects, as a matter of fact, there are over 600,000 insects in an average home without pest control.

South Florida pest control
South Florida is particularly susceptible to insects and wild animals due to the climate and constant short-lasting rain showers. We love opening the windows and doors to take in the cool breeze in the fall and are often outside all day in the summer. Don’t let pests take control of your home, we can help.

Luckily we specialize in the control and containment of the following pests types: ants, Argentine ant, carpenter ant, fire ant, odorous house ant, pavement ant, pharaoh ant, thief ant, bed, bug, bees, cockroaches, brown-banded cockroach, German cockroach, oriental cockroach, carpet beetles, fur beetle, varied carpet, beetle, centipede, fire-brats, flea, flies, blue bottle fly, green bottle fly, house fly, fruit flies, hornet, house centipede, lice, meal worm beetle, red spiders, silverfish, spider beetle, woodlouse, termite, damp wood termite, subterranean termite, wasp, woolly bear, woodworms, death watch beetle, furniture beetle, weevil, rodents, mice, rats, chipmunks, gophers, beavers, shrew, moles, opossums, raccoon’s, hedgehogs, lizards, and snakes.

Free on-site inspection and estimate
Our certified inspectors come to your home and business for your free estimate. They find out where these pests are coming from, show you how they’re going to get rid of them and teach you how to maintain your home so pests will stay gone for good!

We have our friendly staff standing by to answer you questions and get you servicing started immediately. Call today to find out more! 866-632-0088

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Do Pest Control Home Remedies Work?

Whether you've found a do-it-yourself pest control trick from a website or it was handed down through the generations, can you be sure there's any truth to it before investing the time in it? Some of the tips you've gotten may work like a charm, while others are comically wrong or even downright dangerous! Let's take a closer look at some of the old wives' tales of DIY pest control to see if they contain more fact or fiction.

Can bay leaves keep pests at bay?
Yes! Keeping your kitchen staples bug-free can benefit from having a bay leaf or two stored either in or near items like rice and flour in your pantry. If you'd rather not have the leaves in direct contact with your food, simply having them attached to the outside of the container can be enough to act as a deterrent. Keep in mind that one of the best things you can do to keep pests away is to make sure they have no reason to hang around. Clean up spills immediately and keep food in airtight packaging.

Does the mouse in my kitchen like cheese as much as they do in cartoons? 
 Nope, not nearly as much. Thanks to Speedy Gonzales and Tom & Jerry, many of us spent our childhoods believing that cheese in a mousetrap was the most effective lure for mice. Would you be surprised to learn that peanut butter is by far the preferred choice for rodents? That's a good thing to know whether you're baiting traps or just wanting to treat your pet mouse.

Can you catch more fruit flies with sugar than you can with vinegar? 
 Sort of.  The sugar that attracts fruit flies is the kind featured in rotting fruit. If you're looking to get rid of a fruit fly problem in your kitchen, start with getting rid of the old fruit or storing your fruit in the fridge. The next part is where the vinegar comes in: fill a cup with vinegar, cover it in plastic wrap and puncture the wrap to put a hole in it. Fruit flies hate the smell and will no longer make your kitchen their gathering place.

Will spraying peppermint oil sprayed on spider webs send the spiders packing? 
Maybe, but not in the way you'd hoped. Any liquids other than water sprayed on a spider's web will likely make them move out, but they probably won't go far. They'll get to work spinning themselves a new home nearby, which will leave you with more available housing options for other spiders. 

Remember that some pest control issues are best left to the professionals. When you're dealing with a termite, bed bug or cockroach infestation, time spent on trying old wives' tales will likely be time (and money) wasted!  Ambassador Pest Management has over 25 years experience in serving residential and business customers in West Palm Beach, Stuart and Jupiter, Florida. Call today for a free, no obligation inspection from one of our pest control professionals. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bed bugs have favorite colors?

We’re not pulling your leg, although it may sound like it! Recently, there was a pest control-related story making the news rounds about a study reported in the Journal of Medical Entomology that suggested bed bugs are drawn to some colors while being repulsed by others. Sound crazy? Read on to learn more, and you may be considering some new luggage and sheets for your West Palm Beach home!

As you may recall, the summer of 2010 brought a resurgence in bed bug infestations in major US cities. These obnoxious little pests invaded hotels, libraries, theatres and even department stores. Since their comeback, researchers have renewed attention on bed bugs and their behaviors, and potential ways to discourage them from moving into places we frequent.

An article found on states that that for bed bugs, “the preference toward red and black was prevalent.  ‘We originally thought the bedbugs might prefer red because blood is red and that's what they feed on,’ Corraine McNeill, assistant professor of biology at Union College in Lincoln NE said. ‘However, after doing the study, the main reason we think they preferred red colors is because bedbugs themselves appear red, so they go to these harborages because they want to be with other bedbugs, as they are known to exist in aggregations.’

 For the study, the researched placed bed bugs in Petri dishes that had small, bug-sized tents made of papers of different colors. Considering that bed bugs spend the majority of their time hiding in cracks and crevices, it was no surprise that they immediately headed for the little paper shelters. The surprise was in their choice of the tents – they overwhelmingly chose the red and black papers over white, yellow and green shelters.

It is thought that their preference had to do their dark red colors, and they were seeking out a aggregation of other bed bugs. They tend to gather in groups, and they choose to go to colors where it appears where other bugs may already be.

While it may not be a 100% foolproof method of avoiding bed bugs in your home or suitcases, it may be worth trying lighter colored sheets and a bright yellow suitcase. Bonus: you’ll never have any trouble spotting your luggage on the baggage carousel again!

If you suspect you already have a problem with bed bugs in your home, don’t delay! Ambassador delivers state of the art methods in bed bugs treatment as well as preventative services to stop bed bugs before they start. Call us at 866-632-0088 for your Free On-Site Pest Inspection and Service Estimate.  100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! We care about our pest control customers, and have been serving the West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Jupiter, Stuart, Palm City and Wellington areas for over 25 years.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

If there's one type of pest that strikes fear into the hearts of Florida homeowners, it's got to be termites. There's good reason for concern, too. Each year, over five and a half billion dollars is spent by Americans attempting to repair the damage created by these insidious pests. Scariest of all? Check your homeowner's insurance policy - you'll find that termite damage isn't covered. You'll end up having to pay for it out-of-pocket.

And be prepared for sticker shock because those costs will take a big bite out of your wallet. The average amount the typical homeowner will end up having to shell out is estimated to be between $3000 and $8000! Considering these figures and the old adage that there are two types of homes in Florida; those that have termites and those that will get termites, it can be very discouraging.

Just how big of a problem are termites? Here are some shocking statistics about the termite population in Florida:

  • Approximately 13-14 termite colonies can be found per acre
  • There can be as many as 2.6 million termites per colony
  • The queens are capable of laying more than 5,000 eggs per day
  • Over 30% of all termite damage occurs in our state
  • Each year, termite damage exceeds the damage of all natural disasters combined
  • At least 2 million homes  will require termite treatment this year

The amount of damage a colony can inflict depends on which type of termites you have, the size of their colony, what the type and condition if of the wood, if there are any other food sources are available, not to mention the weather and temperature. On average, termite colonies take over five years to grow to a size that can cause damage.

A Formosan termite colony can be a bigger problem as they're generally larger than other subterranean colonies and thus can destroy more wood faster. It's been estimated that under ideal climate conditions, a Formosan colony requires less than six months to cause severe damage to a home. If this sort of infestation goes undetected and therefore untreated in warm, damp surroundings, a house can sustain significant damage in only two years.

What can I do about termites in my home? A termite infestation is definitely not a DIY project, and homeowners shouldn't try to go it alone. Specialized equipment and training is required to fully treat a termite problem, and time and money spent on trying to tackle this problem yourself will likely end up costing you much more in the long run. 

Ambassador Pest Management has over 25 years of experience in treating termites and other pests in the West Palm Beach, Stuart and Jensen Beach, Florida area. Call today for a free, no-obligation inspection and one of our certified technicians will come out to assess the extent of your problem and discus treatment options. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.  866-632-0088

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I think I have cockroaches! Ugh! Now what?

It’s something many West Palm Beach residents have had to face at some point. It’s late in the evening, dinner was a few hours ago, and you can’t stop thinking about that carrot cake/ice cream/key lime pie in the kitchen. You get up, and when you turn on the kitchen light, you see a cockroach scurry under the fridge. You immediately remember the old adage that if you see one, you can be sure there are a bunch of them. They never come to the party alone, and once they’ve decided to turn your house into their personal playground, they’ll just keep multiplying.

So, you’ve seen that cockroach. You know in your gut that you probably are already facing having to deal with an infestation. Roaches are mostly only seen at night, running away from the light faster than prohibition partiers with cops at the door of their speakeasy. – they’ll scurry away from light sources. If you’re not sure that you saw what you think you saw, look for signs they may have left.

Signs that you have an infestation
If you spot what looks like spilled pepper, but you don’t never spilled any pepper, there’s a good chance that pepper is actually roach droppings. You’ll also want to take a look in dark places like under the sink or in the pantry. These sources of food and water are definite hangouts for these pests. Same with under the refrigerator. And check out under any throw rugs or mats and in small crevices. They can squeeze into places you wouldn’t think they could. Do you see any dead roaches? That’s also a bad sign, because his friends are probably holding  wake nearby. You might also notice a musty smell that won’t go away. They’re not known for emitting a fresh-as-a-daisy scent.

Do you have any (or all) of these signs? Then there’s a good chance you’ve already got an infestation on your hands. Taking on their eradication is not an easy DIY project. Even if you get rid of their food water sources, they may decide to stick around and wait for you to get careless or complacent. They can wait you out because it’s possible for them to go without food for up to a month.  Yikes!

What to do when you’ve got cockroaches
Although making sure you’re not leaving any standing water, fixing leaky plumbing, making sure food is put away quickly, crumbs are swept up and is stored in airtight containers is a great start, it won’t get rid of the problem. It’s an excellent measure for future prevention, though. You should definitely employ these techniques after getting rid of the infestation.

The best course of action to rid your home of cockroaches? Call Ambassador Pest Management today!  Our highly skilled and certified technician will come for a free inspection, treatment plan and estimate. Remember that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our pest control services! Don’t delay, call today!  866-632-0088